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Question # 4

A rapidly growing technology start-up company with 200 employees forms a new team to handle recruitment for the company that is independent of the HR team. The recruitment team does not have any specific guidelines for hiring. The HR director wants to establish guidelines to prevent the theft of intellectual property and insists that the recruitment team begin conducting background checks to verify applicants' criminal histones. The recruitment director feels that background checks create unnecessary delays and that the multiple interviews used to make selection decisions serve the same purpose as a background check.

Despite the HR director’s insistence, the recruitment director continues to hire without conducting background checks. Which is the best action for the HR director to take to ensure that background checks are conducted?


Ask a senior leader to mediate the disagreement and have the power to make the final decision.


Meet with the recruitment director to discuss concerns and jointly develop ideas on how to find a compromise.


Ask the recruiting director to conduct background checks on a trial basis to determine how disruptive they are to the process.


Tell the recruitment director that HR will not process new hires unless that candidate has had a background check.

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Question # 5

Which provision should an employer put in place to mitigate security concerns when creating a bring-your-own-device policy?


Mandate a complex password protection for accessing employer servers.


Gain consent from employees to access personal email, data, and web activity.


Prevent all employees from accessing work emails through their mobile devices.


Ensure that employees are not connecting to employer data outside of the workplace.

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Question # 6

An HR business partner (HRBP) in a large organization has recently been dealing with various issues with the chief human resource officer (CHRO). The HRBP reports to the CHRO. The CHRO does not consistently and clearly communicate information regarding business and strategic issues to the HRBP. The lack of communication has been presenting problems, as the HRBP's internal clients look to the HRBP for information and guidance on all HR topics and initiatives. As a result, the HRBP is often uninformed and unable to assist the clients. The lack of communication and transparency by the CHRO has been negatively impacting the HRBP and the HRBP's clients. The HRBP spends a lot of time trying to get information and often is unprepared to address client issues. In some cases, clients have received HR-related information ahead of the HRBP. Unfortunately, the CHRO has operated in this manner for years, with HR employees often feeling isolated from information and not feeling like they are part of a coherent unit. Despite this, the CHRO has expressed to the HRBP a belief that they have a very effective working relationship with one another.

The HRBP wants to provide suggestions to the organization’s executives about how to improve communication within the company, but the CHRO does not include the HRBP in strategic discussions that the CHRO has with other executives. What should the HRBP do?


Write an email to the CHRO explaining the suggestions of the HRBP.


Schedule a meeting with the CHRO to explain the HRBP's suggestions.


Email the CHRO asking if the HRBP may attend the next strategic discussion meeting.


Meet with other executives informally to share the HRBP’s suggestion.

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Question # 7

At a regional power company, managers are in charge of assigning training and development opportunities to their employees. These opportunities are sponsored by the company, and employees are entitled to their regular pay while attending training and development sessions. Recently, there has been a growing number of complaints that managers were engaging in favoritism by only assigning these training and development opportunities to their favorite employees. Favoritism violates company policy, which states that all employees must be given equal opportunities. The HR director aims to address this issue.

Some managers claim that they assign training and development opportunities to their high-performing employees as they believe it is an incentive to stay at the company. How should the HR director determine whether this has been effective as an objective?


Analyze the association between employee turnover rates and participation in training and development.


Review employee turnover rates to determine whether there is actually a need to incentivize retention.

C Examine industry trends on the effectiveness of training and development on employee retention


Survey high-performing employees on whether they feel training and development opportunities encourage them to stay at the company.

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Question # 8

A multinational manufacturing firm recently experienced a series of product line defects and supply chain shortages. At the request of the chief operating officer (COO), the firm hires a new VP of operations who worked for the COO at another company for many years. The VP is well known for achieving results quickly and efficiently. During a conference call with the COO and all operations managers, the new VP begins making angry remarks toward the managers because the VP believes they are not responding quickly to questions about the recent problems. When the managers speak the VP responds by criticizing them and speaking with a loud aggressive tone of voice. The COO advises the VP to focus on identifying the root cause of the problem rather than criticizing the managers. In response, the VP accuses the COO of being too lenient on the managers during a period of crisis that requires quick and deliberate action. After the meeting, the managers send a formal letter to the firm's regional HR director describing the VP's behavior and requesting an immediate response.

The firm's employee handbook includes a section on cultural values that denounces public criticism of others and endorses acceptance of diversity at all levels of the organization. What should the regional HR director do to uphold the firm's cultural values?


Advise the VP to review the cultural values outlined in the handbook.


Advise the COO to meet with the VP to discuss the firm's cultural values.


Send an email to the managers acknowledging the inappropriateness of the VP's behavior.


Advise the VP to attend an online cultural awareness training course.

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Question # 9

What design structure allows an organization to capitalize on existing expertise across different departments as opposed to seeking external skilled resources?









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Question # 10

The HR and IT directors meet to discuss plans to purchase an applicant tracking system to support the continued growth of the organization. Which is the first step the directors should take?


Determine the automation needs of the organization.


Ensure scalability to support growth.


Research integration capabilities.


Evaluate any existing recruitment processes.

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Question # 11

An oil and gas company that operates globally signs an agreement to shift the operations part of the business to another organization. As a result, the company must lay off several employees. Some of the employees that must be laid off are working at headquarters while others are currently assigned to another country to support operations in the field. An HR director is tasked with developing a plan for communicating and executing the layoffs.

News about the layoffs is mistakenly revealed before an official announcement is made, leaving the employees feeling betrayed and distrustful of HR. At the upcoming all-employee meeting, what should the HR director focus on to rebuild employee trust?


Explaining the change in the businesses strategic direction that led to the decision to initiate layoffs.


Admitting that a mistake was made and that communicating layoffs was supposed to be done differently.


Explaining the best parts of the severance package that will be offered to the employees who are laid off.


Assuring the employees that regular updates about the layoffs will be provided in the future.

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Question # 12

A nonprofit health care facility conducts an engagement and culture survey, and the results indicate that employees throughout the organization believe leadership engages in favoritism by providing unequal opportunities for staff. General perceptions of the company's culture are poor, and many employees report intentions to leave their jobs. Several additional concerning findings are isolated to the philanthropic department, which is responsible for acquiring donors and securing charitable partnerships. Employees from this department report poor working relationships among staff, including gossiping and bullying among co-workers. Although the leadership team is aware of the poor working relationships in the philanthropic department, they have not asked the department director to address the issues because of the department's outstanding performance in recent years. However, after considering the recent survey results the leadership team decides to initiate a project to address the culture issues at the facility overall and within the philanthropy department specifically. The operations VP will oversee the project and ask an HR business partner (HRBP) to lead the project. The VP of operations requests that the HRBP collect additional survey data and conduct focus groups during the first phase of the project.

Some members of the leadership team provide the HRBP with a list of employees that they think would be good participants for the focus groups. These leaders are adamant that the HRBP should draw participants from the list. Which action should the HRBP take?


Inform the leaders that HR will follow best practices when selecting focus group participants.


Explain to the leaders why using only employees from the list might exclude important perspectives.


Conduct one focus group with the recommended employees and one with randomly selected employees.


Remind the leaders that the operations VP asked the HRBP to lead the project.

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Question # 13

Which company programs are most effective when developing succession plans?


Recruiting and feedback


Coaching and development


Mentoring and reorganization


Compensation and benefits

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Question # 14

A company wants to use artificial intelligence (AI) in its candidate selection process. Which next step should the HR director take to evaluate this decision?


Compare the time-to-fill metrics with and without the Al feature.


Verify the company's cloud-based software supports the Al feature.


Evaluate recruitment labor dollars saved versus time-to-fill with the Al feature.


Ensure the Al feature validates why the decisions are optimal.

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Question # 15

A firm is experiencing an increase in behaviors that violate its code of ethics. Which recommendation should the VP of HR take first to reduce these incidents?


Ask management to openly discuss and support the code of ethics.


Implement a system for employees to reaffirm the code of ethics annually.


Revise the code of ethics to ensure it is clearly written.


Reprimand publicly those individuals who violate the code of ethics.

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Question # 16

A small organization recently hired a new CEO with a strong marketing background. The CEO establishes a new sales approach focused on expanding business opportunities through the creation of new products, which will be marketed and sold by the sales force. The CEO believes her effectiveness is impaired by having too many direct reports. The CEO meets with the CFO and HR director. They decide to reduce the CEO's number of direct reports to those most relevant to the CEO's vision for the organization. The remaining employees are reassigned to the CFO who already oversees a team of three. This change allows the CEO to more effectively focus on the vision HR releases a memo informing employees of the change in reporting structure.

The CEO learns that the change in reporting structure has resulted in disappointment for the employees who are no longer direct reports and asks the HR director for advice. What action should the HR director advise the CEO to take?


Meet individually with employees affected by the new reporting structure.


Send an organizationwide email that highlights the CEO's vision.


Ask the CFO to explain how the new reporting structure benefits the organization in a companywide meeting.


Ask the CFO to explain the benefits of the new reporting structure to the new team.

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Question # 17

Which payment system disrupts the standard payroll cycle?


Flexible earned wage access


Pay advance programs


Adaptable work arrangements


Retirement account loan programs

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Question # 18

An HR department at a midsize company hosts regular manager meetings to provide updates regarding company structure practices, and policies. During the recent meeting, the HR director notified all managers of the company's new code of conduct policy and plans for an upcoming training about the policy. The policy explicitly states that managers must not form personal relationships with their direct reports. The HR director explains that the policy was created because concerns about fairness related to promotions and rumors about favoritism were beginning to cause conflict within some departments. Some of the managers express that training is not necessary, but they all agree to attend it. A few days after the training, the HR director receives a complaint from an HR employee who claims to have seen a manager and one of the manager’s direct reports at a restaurant. The HR director was already concerned about this manager's judgment because the manager approved a promotion for the same direct report even though the direct report has documented performance-related issues. The HR director discusses the issue with the manager. In response, the manager criticizes the new policy and insists the relationship did not impact the direct report's promotion recommendation. The manager also states that the training was unclear and that other managers have the same opinion.

Several employees heard of the manager's personal relationship with the direct report. They approach the HR director with concerns that the direct report may have been unfairly promoted. How should the HR director respond to these concerns?


Ask the direct reports to provide any evidence they may have that supports their suspicions.


State that HR cannot disclose any information on the reasons for promotion at this time.


Tell the direct reports that the HR director will share their concerns with the leadership team.

D Request that the direct reports stop spreading rumors about the promotion

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Question # 19

An oil and gas company that operates globally signs an agreement to shift the operations part of the business to another organization. As a result, the company must lay off several employees. Some of the employees that must be laid off are working at headquarters while others are currently assigned to another country to support operations in the field. An HR director is tasked with developing a plan for communicating and executing the layoffs.

Several employees are working on a critical assignment in another country, and senior leadership orders that they be notified immediately that they will be laid off. However, the site manager feels this will prevent the work from being completed and refuses to tell them. What should the HR director do?


Warn the site manager of the consequences of not complying with a direct order from senior leadership.


Schedule a video conference meeting with the employees to communicate the layoffs personally.


Explain to the site manager that employees should be told now before they hear about the layoffs from others.


Insist that the site manager develop a solution for completing the work despite the layoffs.

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Question # 20

A company has grown into a midsize organization and has retained its legacy staff throughout the years. Hiring has increased introducing a new demographic landscape and disrupting employee morale. Which is the most effective solution for the HR director to recommend?


Offer longer-tenured employees early retirement packages comparable with the market.


Conduct a job analysis evaluating whether employees remain qualified for jobs.


Evaluate training and development opportunities for employees with outdated skills.


Establish an intergenerational mentoring program to increase collaboration.

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Question # 21

A small technology company needs to design and create a marketing campaign for a new software product it plans to offer in three months. Which type of worker should the HR manager select for the project?









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Question # 22

A recent company survey shows that 70% of employees report not having mastered the skills needed to do their jobs. Which approach to learning and development should the HR director implement to best help employees master the missing skills?


Gamify professional development opportunities.


Offer a diverse catalog of micro-courses.


Apply the forgetting curve.


Use pre- and post-training surveys.

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Question # 23

Which is a fundamental characteristic of knowledge management in a learning organization?


Intergroup development


Centralized training function


Continuous sharing of new information

D Frequent employee surveys

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Question # 24

A rapidly growing company in a competitive labor market has been paying above-market wages. To better align base salaries to the market median, the company is considering a change. Which plan helps keep the firm above the current market?


Offer increased incentives while implementing a salary freeze until the competitive market catches up.


Introduce salary cuts with a profit-sharing plan that awards the same percentage to all employees.


Maintain current salaries while introducing flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, and other family-friendly benefits.


Create new base salaries by establishing different compensation plans for different organizational levels.

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Question # 25

Which method is most effective for detecting asset misappropriations, such as cash skimming and fraudulent disbursements, by employees in the workplace?


Implementing a lip line and proactive data monitoring by management


Conducting comprehensive pre-employment background screens and credit checks


Engaging an external auditor to review transactions on a regular basis


Installing video surveillance in customer areas including parking lots

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Question # 26

Which is the best example of using strategic management to create a competitive advantage?


Retaining compensation records for analytical purposes


Providing safety training to all employees


Eliminating work processes that do not add value to the end customer


Enforcing a workplace flexibility policy to help employees achieve work/life balance

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Question # 27

Which tool is best suited to present comprehensive hiring trends to management?


Written reports


Side show presentation





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Question # 28

A company in a competitive industry starts a two-year integration strategy aimed at being an innovator in a particular area. The chief human resource officer is asked to lead the project team and deliver within a required timeline. What advantage does Agile have over Lean Six Sigma in this situation?


Agile is flexible and adaptable. Lean is structured and measured in pace.


Agile has many small projects: Lean has one project at a time.


Agile focuses on customer satisfaction Lean is focused on customer value by eliminating waste.


Agile demonstrates progress and getting it done. Lean focuses on validated learning.

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Question # 29

Which is a characteristic of an HRIS program that improves the value of an organization's data?


Data storage procedures that encourage knowledge workers to retain data on an individual basis


Data that supports decision-making through the sharing of information


Data that can be shared and is widely accessible without many restrictions


Data management procedures that prevent the editing, adjusting, and adding of information

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Question # 30

Which is the best approach to improve a benefit program's impact on employee retention?


Targeting benefits to the needs of specific groups


Increasing awareness of available benefits


Assessing benefit efficiency and cost-effectiveness


Implementing new benefits based on benchmarks

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Question # 31

According to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which working condition requires equal pay?


Separate first-shift production lines


Varied geographic locations


Different production levels


Shifts on different days of the week

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Question # 32

The president of a large company is planning to retire soon. The president has been with the company for 40 years, the longest tenure of any employee in the company, and has been president for the last 10 years. In addition to replacing its top leader, the company is also in the midst of conducting strategic planning for the next three years. The HR director has been placed in charge of overseeing the selection and transition process for the new president and has organized a search committee consisting of external board members. The search committee has identified three internal candidates for the position and must move forward with the process of selecting one to be president.

The candidates for the position are all engineers with limited experience in business management. What is the best indicator that the candidates will be able to succeed in the position despite a lack of business background?


Consistently high ratings by colleagues on interpersonal skills


Commitment to pursue an executive master's of business administration soon after assuming the position


Demonstrated success in making sound business decisions in recent positions


Scoring highly on a competency-based managerial assessment of business skills

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Question # 33

Which recruitment method yields applicants that have the best understanding of the advertised job opening and what it entails?


Career fair


Direct mailing


Third-party recruiting


Employee referrals

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Question # 34

A newly hired chief human resource officer (CHRO) discovers a flaw in the time-keeping policy that allows senior executives to receive full salaries and benefits without working the expected full-time hours. The CHRO reviews corporate data and identifies three senior executives in the sales department who regularly worked half the expected full-time hours for the past two years. The CHRO also discovers that the sales department has the lowest levels of employee engagement and morale across the corporation. However, the CHRO knows these three senior executives have been with the corporation for over a decade and have established strong alliances with the CEO. The CHRO presents the issue to the CEO and learns the CEO was unaware of the flaw in the policy. The CHRO and CEO agree to discuss the issue during the next executive team meeting.

During the executive team meeting, the sales department senior executives make allegations about the CHRO’s professional qualifications that the CHRO knows are false. Which action should the CHRO take?


State that the allegations made by the sales department senior executives are not true.


Advise the sales department senior executives to behave in a professional manner.


Request that the sales department senior executives provide tangible evidence that supports the allegations.


Invite the sales department senior executives to meet with the CHRO after the executive team meeting to discuss the allegations.

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Question # 35

A global company plans to expand into two new international markets next year. Which is the first step the chief human resource officer should take to determine what training the new workforce will need for successful expansion?


Business needs assessment


Gap analysis


Cost-benefit analysis


Risk assessment

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Question # 36

In one of the warehouses of a retail company, several international employees complain to HR that the warehouse manager has forbidden them from speaking in their native language in the workplace. The HR manager speaks with the warehouse manager, who says there have been several reports that the international employees only interact with each other and they have difficulty conversing with the local employees due to language barriers. The HR manager also learns that the international employees can speak the primary language used in the company well enough to understand instructions from their supervisors. Fortunately, there have been no incidents of safety issues where language has been a barrier between local and international employees. However, senior management believes there is a lack of rapport between local and international employees and instructs the HR manager to resolve the issue.

The international employees tell the HR manager that the warehouse manager threatened to discipline them for speaking their native language at the workplace. Which action should the HR manager take to best foster a supportive workplace?


Explain to the warehouse manager how implementing disciplinary measures could create a hostile work environment for the international employees.


Report the warehouse manager's behavior to senior management.


State that disciplining employees for the language they speak in the workplace is against company policy.


Require international employees to take language courses in the workplace.

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Question # 37

An HR manager wants employees to acquire the skills to respond appropriately to practical situations. Which training style would be most effective?






Knowledge content


Blended learning

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Question # 38

In a leadership team meeting, the HR director of a car manufacturing company suggests the company should collaborate with its competitors to provide financial support for research on renewable energy sources. Which business strategy for sustainability is best illustrated by this suggestion?









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Question # 39

During a workforce audit, an HR mobility leader discovers several expatriates who are not part of the organization's global mobility program. Which is the first step the HR leader should take in response to this discovery?


Determine if the organization is liable for possible immigration violations of these workers.


Adopt a process to track worker movement across geographies in line with immigration and tax rules.


Alert leadership that the organization may be in violation of statutory compliance.


Push for the adoption of online platforms to better integrate data of the mobile workforce.

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Question # 40

The HR manager presents an attrition analysis to the executive leadership team and highlights training interventions and job rotations as action items to prevent high-performers from leaving the organization. What type of analysis is described?









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