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Question # 4

There are two different networks and Where and IP Address are assigned on Server. Verify your network settings by pinging Network’s Host.

Answer and Explanation: At exam time read the Lab Scenario carefully. Actually there are two different networks one is where your system resides know as domain and another is know as domain.

One server named having and is running in your exam. If you make a gateway to that server, you will can ping because IP forwarding is enabled on that server. /etc/sysconfing/network




2.service network restart

Or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0







2.ifdown eth0

3.ifup eth0

Note: If gateway is specified in both file, default gateway takes from interface specific file.

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Question # 5

Successfully resolv to where your DNS server is

Answer and Explanation:




On every clients, DNS server is specified in /etc/resolv.conf. When you request by name it tries to resolv from DNS server .

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Question # 6

One Package named zsh is dump on under /pub/updates directory and your FTP server is Install the package zsh.

Answer and Explanation:

1.rpm –ivh ftp://server1/*


1.Login to ftp server : ftp using anonymous user.

2.Change the directory: cd pub and cd updates

3.Download the package: mget zsh-*

4.Quit from the ftp prompt : bye

5.Install the package

6.rpm -ivh zsh-*

7.Verify either package is installed or not : rpm -q zsh

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Question # 7

Change the root Password to redtophat

Answer and Explanation:

  • Boot the system in Single user mode
  • Use the passwd command

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Question # 8

Raw (Model) printer named printer1 is installed and shared on You should install the shared printer on your PC to connect shared printer using IPP Protocols.

Answer and Explanation:

IPP( Internet Printing Protocol), allows administrator to manage printer through browser so CUPS is called Internet Printing Protocol based on HTTP. We can Install the printer either through: system-confing-printer tool or through Browser.

1.Open the browser and Type on address: http://localhost:631 CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) used the IPP protocol. CUPS use the 631 port.

2.Click on Manage Printer.

3.Click on Add Printer.

4.Type Printer name, Location, Description.

5.Select Device for bb. (Select IPP).

6.Device URL: ipp:// queue name Same printer name of shared printer.

7.Select Model/Driver RAW printer.

8.service cups restart

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Question # 9

There is a FTP server and all required packages are dumped in /var/ftp/pub of that server and anonymous login is enabled. Install the Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 as an anonymous by creating following partitions:






swap2X256 (RAM SIZE)

Answer and Explanation:

Note: Examiner will provide you the Installation startup CD. And here mentioned size may vary see on the exam paper.

1.Insert the CD on CD-ROM and start the system.

2.In Boot: Prompt type linux askmethod

3. It will display the Language, keyboard selection.

4. It will ask you for the installation method.

5. Select the FTP from the list

6. It will ask the IP Address, Net mask, Gateway and Name Server. Select Use

Dynamic IP Configuration: because DHCP Server will be configured in your exam lab.

7. It will ask for the FTP site name and Redhat Enterprise Linux Directory.

Specify the FTP Server:

Directory: pub  Because anonymous login on /var/ftp.

8. After Connecting to the FTP Server Installation will start. Go up to the partition screen by selecting the different Options.

9. Create the partition According to the Question because Size and what-what partition should you create at installation time is specified in your question

10. Then select the MBR Options, time zone and go upto package selections.

It is another Most Important Time of installation. Due to the time limit, you should be

care about the installation packages. At Exam time you these packages are enough.

X-Window System

GNOME Desktop

(these two packages are generally not required)

Administration Tools.

System Tools

Windows File Server

FTP Servers

Mail Servers

Web Servers

Network Servers


Text Based Internet

Server Configuration Tools

Printing Supports

When installation will complete, your system will reboot. Jump for another Question.

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Question # 10

Add a job on Cron schedule to display Hello World on every two Seconds in terminal 8.

Answer and Explanation: >schedule

*/2 * * * * /bin/echo “Hello World” >/dev/tty8

  • crontab schedule
  • Verify using: crontab –l
  • service crond restart

Cron helps to schedule on recurring events. Pattern of Cron is:

MinuteHourDay of MonthMonth Day of WeekCommands

0-590-231-311-120-7 where 0 and 7 means Sunday.

Note * means every. To execute the command on every two minutes */2.

To add the scheduled file on cron job: crontab filename

To List the Cron Shedule: crontab –l

To Edit the Schedule: crontab –e

To Remove the Schedule: crontab –r

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Question # 11

Raw printer named printerx where x is your station number is installed and shared on Install the shared printer on your PC to connect shared printer using IPP Protocols. Your server is

Answer and Explanation:

1.Open the Browser either firefox or links

2.Type : http://localhost:631

3.Click on Manage Printer

4.Click on Add Printer

5.Type Queue name like stationx and click on continue

6.Type Device type or printing Protocol: i.e Internet printing Protocol

7.Click on Continue

8.Type Device URL: ipp://

9.Click on Continue

10.Select RAW Model printer

11.Click on Continue

12.Test by sending the printing job

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Question # 12

Deny to all users except root to run cron schedule.

Answer and Explanation: /etc/cron.allow



vi /etc/cron.deny

Write all user name to deny.

/etc/cron.allow, /etc/cron.deny file is used to control users to allow or deny. If /etc/cron.allow file is created only that users are allowed to run cron schedule. Another way to deny to users is /etc/cron.deny write all user name on single line.

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Question # 13

Create the directory /archive and group owner should be the sysuser group.

Answer and Explanation:

1.chgrp sysuser /archive

2.Verify using ls -ld /archive command. You should get like

drwxr-x--- 2 root sysadmin 4096 Mar 16 17:59 /archive

chgrp command is used to change the group ownership of particular files or directory.

Another way you can use the chown command.

chown root:sysuser /archive

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Question # 14

Whoever creates the file on /data make automatically owner group should be the group owner of /data directory.

Answer and Explanation:

When user creates the file/directory, user owner will be user itself and group owner will be the primary group of the user.

There is one Special Permission SGID , when you set the SGID bit on directory,When users creates the file/directory automatically owner group will be same as a parent.

  • chmod g+s /data
  • Verify using: ls -ld /data

You will get: drwxrws---

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Question # 15

Who ever creates the files/directories on /archive group owner should be automatically should be the same group owner of /archive.

Answer and Explanation:

1.chmod g+s /archive

2.Verify using: ls -ld /archive

Permission should be like:

drwxrws--- 2 root sysuser 4096 Mar 16 18:08 /archive

If SGID bit is set on directory then who every users creates the files on directory group owner automatically the owner of parent directory.

To set the SGID bit: chmod g+s directory

To Remove the SGID bit: chmod g-s directory

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Question # 16

Create the directory /archive and group owner should be the sysuser group.

Answer and Explanation:

1.chgrp sysuser /archive

2.Verify using ls -ld /archive command. You should get like

drwxr-x--- 2 root sysadmin 4096 Mar 16 17:59 /archive

chgrp command is used to change the group ownership of particular files or directory.

Another way you can use the chown command.

chown root:sysuser /archive

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Question # 17

Add a user named user4 and make primarily belongs to training group. As well account should expire on 30 days from today.

Answer and Explanation:

  • useradd username
  • passwd username
  • usermod -e “date”

example: usermod -e “12 Feb 2006” user4

Verify: chage –l user4

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Question # 18

Backup of the Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 is on /var/ftp/pub, /var/www/html/pub on server named You can install all required packages using yum by creating the repository file.

Answer and Explanation:

1. Create the repository file

#vi /etc/yum.repos.d/server1.repo







# yum install

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Question # 19

Create a RAID Device /dev/md0 by creating equal two disks from available free space on your harddisk and mount it on /data.

Answer and Explanation:

Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 Supports the RAID LEVEL 0, RAID LEVEL 1, RAID LEVEL 5 and RAID LEVEL 6 at installation time. You can create it at installation time later no need to type lots of commands for RAID.

At Installation Time:

  • Create the partitions using diskdruid.
  • Create the Partitions having File system Type Software RAID.
  • Click on RAID button
  • Type the Mount Point
  • Select File system type
  • Select RAID Level
  • Select Partitions/disks as a member of RAID.
  • Click on ok

After Installation: We can create the RAID Device after Installation on command-line.

  • Create the Two partitions having equal size. (Specify the Size using Cylinder, find the remaining cylinder and divide by 2).
  • Change the Partition ID to fd (Linux raid Autodetect) by typing t.
  • Type wTo write on partitions table.
  • Use partprobe command to synchronic the partition table.
  • Use: mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/hda? /dev/hda?
  • Verify the RAID: mdadm --detail /dev/md0
  • mkfs -t ext3 /dev/md0
  • mount /dev/md0 /data
  • vi /etc/fstab

/dev/md0/dataext3defaults0 0

  • Verify mounting devices using mount command.

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Question # 20

Make sure on /data that only the owner user can remove files/directories.

Answer and Explanation:

By default user1 can remove user2’s files due to directory permission to group member. We can prevent of deleting files from others users using Sticky Bits.

  • chmod o+t /data
  • Verify /data: ls -ld /data

You will get: drwxrwx—T

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Question # 21

There are three Disk Partitions /dev/hda8, /dev/hda9, /dev/hda10 having size 100MB of each partition. Create a Logical Volume named testvolume1 and testvolume2 having a size 250MB. Mount each Logical Volume on lvmtest1, lvmtest2 directory.

Answer and Explanation:

Steps of Creating LVM:

1.pvcreate /dev/hda8 /dev/hda9 /dev/hda10

pvdisplay command is used to display the information of physical volume.

2.vgceate test0 /dev/hda8 /dev/hda9 /dev/hda10

vgdisplay command is used to display the information of Volume Group.

3.lvcreate –L 250M –n testvolume1 test0

 lvdisplay command is used to display the information of Logical Volume.

4.lvcreate –L 250M –n testvolume2 test0

5.mkfs –t ext3 /dev/test0/testvolume1

6.mkfs –t ext3 /dev/test0/testvolume2

7.mkdir /lvtest1

8.mkdir /lvtest2

9.mount /dev/test0/testvolume1 /lvtest1

10.mount /dev/test0/testvolume2 /lvtest2 /etc/fstab

/dev/test0/testvolume2/lvtest2ext3defaults0 0

/dev/test0/testvolume1/lvtest1ext3defaults0 0

To create the LVM( Logical Volume Manager) we required the disks having ‘8e’ Linux LVM type. First we should create the physical Volume, then we can create the Volume group from disks belongs to physical Volume. lvcreate command is used to create the logical volume on volume group. We can specify the size of logical volume with –L option and name with -n option.

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