Choose the correct answer.
When defining a stereotype, a modeler may wish to put some constraints on the stereotype, its properties, or its relationships. What is the most suitable language to accomplish this?
Choose the correct answer.
Which element would be used to depict a model library on a diagram?
Choose the correct answer.
The frame of which diagram corresponds to a model library?
Choose the correct answer
A system engineer designing a smart-home system is working with three analysts using specialized computational tools to evaluate energy consumption, waste production, and reliability of the system The team is soliciting a recommendation for an approach that achieves the following
(1) Analysis models should Incorporate design details necessary for evaluation
(2) Analysis models should be easily adaptable for different types of smart-home systems
Which recommendation would be most effective from a MBSE perspective'?
Choose the correct answer
A small project has chosen a widely-used SysML-based development method, and plans to tailor the method over the life of the project.
What Is(are) the most important consideration(s) for selecting a tool to support the project? \
Choose the option that gives the project the most flexibility
Choose the correct answer
What is best practice to model a software application in a SysML model for a system?
Choose the correct answer
For a system with stringent real-time requirements and power-consumption constraints, which concern would lead the designer to employ the MARTE profile?
Choose the correct answer.
An engineer has defined a profile, SE2Profile, for the APE model. Another model, E-ELT, requires the same profile.
What is the best way to share the profile?