Okta AD Agents can be successfully and completely configured by:
Solution: Read-only administrators
With Okta you federate the 'Office 365 tenant name' (which is the default Microsoft domain you have) or the 'Office 365 domain'?
Solution: You federate with Okta only the 'Office 365 tenant name'
There might be specific AD attributes, which - apart from others - do not appear in the Okta user profile. Can those extra attributes be mapped and provisioned towards an app?
Solution: No, it is not possible as Okta queries the whole AD schema and retrieves everything that it's able to
How can SAML provision attributes via JIT? Or even create users?
Solution: By including specific information in the assertion
Okta AD Agents can be successfully and completely configured by:
Solution: Super administrators
Okta has a json representation of objects such as 'users', json schema interchanged on API calls, as an example, but what about the format of information regarding of a user going to a SCIM server for creating the user in an On Premises application?
Solution: Format is different: yml
When a user signs out of Okta, if they are using IWA, they'll be redirected to the Sign In page and without inputting credentials they'll be signed back in
Solution: Statement is false, as this would represent a security concern
Speaking of Okta Template App and Okta Pluin Template App, which of the following RegEx can you create for an allow list of URLS so that both endpoints for /login or /change_password are accepted under example.com domain?
Solution: https://example*.com/(login|change_password)
On a Windows machine, which is the right behavior if you try to sign into your Okta org and agentless DSSO is properly configured for it?
Solution: You will be automatically redirected to The Okta Sign In page for your organization, where you need to fill in with your AD credentials
What does it mean: "Mapping Direction AD to Okta"?
Solution: Indicates a schema of attribute values flowing Okta towards AD
When using Okta Expression Language, which of the following will have the output: okta.com
Solution: String.substring("abc@okta.com", "@")
When using Okta Expression Language, which variable type results out of this Okta Expression? isMemberOfGroup("groupId")
Solution: Array
Can you map the Okta user ID as an Office 365 Immutable ID?
Solution: Not possible, as Office 365 requires an Immutable ID extracted from either On-Prem AD or Azure AD
After you turn on Desktop SSO, a default DSSO related routing rule is created. You must configure the network information for this rule.
Solution: The statement is partially true, as the networking information is already added within this rule
Any ...
Solution: Office 365 user
Which is a / are best-practice(s) in a SAML 2.0 situation?
Solution: To never enable SAML for all your end-users