Which Incoterm applies here?
The supplier is responsible for delivering the goods to the buyer’s premises, bearing all risk up until this point.
Use the balance sheet below to work out the correct ratio for coffee Time and explain whether the company appears to have enough assets to cover it liability.
What are the two types of damage clauses that can be created within a contract?
Why is it important to have adequate procedures in place within an organization in relation to bribery?
Explain which factors should be considered when deciding the quantity of a product to order.
In relation to the case study ‘Walmart and H&M in spotlight regarding human rights in media ex-plain which human rights are not being granted to the workers.
Using the case study about Toyata, which type of benchmarking Tada has used when comparing the Toyata with Porsche?
In relation to the case study ‘Walmart and H&M in spotlight regarding human rights in media ex-plain which human rights are not being granted to the workers.
Write down a list of assets that belong to an organization with which you are familiar.
Explain why you think quality should be investigated before working with potential supplier?
When benchmarking what other factors, apart from price should be considered to find the total cost of acquisition?