Identify the missing work in the following sentence.
An organization which is undertaking an improvement initiative should [?] the existing methods and services when building for the future.
Which activity is NOT recommended by the start where you are' guiding principle?
What type of change is often used for resolving incidents or implementing security patches?
Which of the four dimensions contributes MOST to defining activities needed to deliver services?
Which practice has a purpose that includes managing risks to confidentiality, integrity and availability?
Which practice performs reviews to ensure that services continue to meet the needs of the customers?
Which is an activity in the 'Problem control' phase of problem management?
Which dimension of service management considers how activities are coordinated?
In which situation will incident management USUALLY use a separate process?
Which practice has a purpose that includes the handling of pre-defined, user-initiated demands for service?
Which guiding principle recommends consideration of the four dimensions in order to make something as effective and as useful as it needs to be?
Which practice provides a communications point for users to report operational issues, queries and requests?
Which practice uses pre-defined, standardized procedures to enable fulfilment times to be clearly communicated?
Which is a recommendation for applying the guiding principle 'keep it simple and practical?
What is defined as a change of state that has significance for the management of an IT service?
What describes how components and activities work together to facilitate value creation?
Which practice has the purpose of ensuring that the organization’s suppliers and their performance and
managed appropriately to support the provision of seamless, quality products and services?
Which practice is responsible for moving new or changed components to live or other environments?
Which guiding principle leads to a faster response to customer needs by timeboxing activities and learning from the outputs of previous activities?
Which guiding principle helps an organization to understand the impact of an altered element on other elements in a system?
Which guiding principle helps to ensure that better information is available for decision making?
A major incident has been closed, but there is a risk that it might happen again. How should this be logged and managed?
How does information about problems and known errors contribute to 'incident management'?
What defines the requirements for a service and takes responsibility for the outcomes of service consumption?
Which is included in the purpose of the ‘design and transition’ value chain activity?
What should be used to set user expectations for request fulfilment times?
Which TWO statements about the 'service request management' practice are CORRECT?
1. Service requests are part of normal service delivery
2. Complaints can be handled as service requests
3. Service requests result from a failure in service
4. Normal changes should be handled as service requests
Identify the missing word in the following sentence.
The purpose of the supplier management practice is to ensure that the organization’s suppliers and their [?]
are managed appropriately to support the seamless provision of quality products and services.
Which practice has a purpose to support the quality of the service by handling all agreed user initiated service
Which ITIL guiding principle recommends using existing services, processes and tools when improving
What is recommended by the guiding principle ‘progress iteratively with feedback’?
Which joint activity performed by a service provider and service consumer ensures continual value co-creation?
Which process is used to compare the value that new services offer with the value of the services they have
What happens if a workaround becomes the permanent way of dealing with a problem that cannot be resolved cost-effectively?
Which ITIL practice has the purpose to establish and nurture the links between the organization and its stakeholders at strategic and tactical levels?
Which stage of the service lifecycle has the purpose of looking for ways to improve process efficiency and cost
What takes place in the “Did we get there?” step of the continual service improvement (CSI) approach?
Which term relates to service levels aligned with the needs of service consumers?
Identify the missing word in the following sentence.
The purpose of the 'information security management' practice is to [?] the organization's information.
Why should some service requests be fulfilled with no additional approvals?