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While creating which of the chart type, we turn off the stack marks from the analysis menu?
Connect to the "Kiva Loans - India" data source, which sector's funded amount is closest to the median of all the sectors?
Connect to the "Significant Volcano Eruption" data source. In 1899, the Dona Juana volcano erupted in Colombia. Find out which volcano in the Popayán city is the closest to Dona Juana and how many death Dona Juana volcano caused?
Connect to the "World Cup Results" and use tables WorldCupMatches, WorldCups. Which of the following year had the highest percentage of Away goals? Consider only those years when the host country did not win the world cup.
Connect to the "Education" data source. Which college(s) average math, verbal, and writing scores are lesser than the overall 70% percentile in these subjects?
Select the correct options that allow you to ensure that your Phone layout automatically reflects changes to the Default dashboard?
Using the Regional Dashboard twbx file, find out the percentage of average obesity increases when 1% average increase in the physical inactivity in the New York state of the Northeast region?
Which of these chart types are primarily used to compare measures against goals?
Connect to the "Significant Volcano Eruption" data source. Create a histogram using field Death and having a bin size of 500. Find out which country reported 9 deaths in the bin of 0-500?
Blend the Significant Volcano Eruption dataset with the Country population dataset using year and country. Find out which country is having 4 volcano eruptions in the year 1963 and what was the population of this country in the same year?
Connect to the Olympic Athletes data source, find out how many countries participated in 5 different sports from 2000 to 2012?
Connect to the Olympic Athletes data source, find out the average age of players who won at least one gold medal for the country?