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Question # 4

You are working for an organization that has implemented CI and is struggling to get the automated tests to run on each build because of time limitation. On average, there are three ad hoc builds per day, one scheduled build overnight, one scheduled build on Friday nights, and one build that is conducted on the Thursday night before the end of the sprint on the second Friday. There are four sets of tests: high priority, medium priority, low priority, and non-functional. The non-functional tests must be run in the integrated stage environment, whereas the other tests can be run in any of the test environments.

In addition to just the execution time of the tests, it has also been noted that reviewing the results of the tests takes about two hours per set of tests.

Given this information, which of the following is the most efficient and effective approach to test automation execution?


Run all four test sets, every night


Run all the high-priority tests for every build, low-priority tests at night, and the medium-priority tests at the end of the sprint


Run all four test sets on every build


Run the high-priority tests on each build, the medium-priority tests every night, the low-priority tests every week, and the non-functional tests on the Thursday night before sprint end

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Question # 5

Which of the following is an expected problem that often occurs with automation test suites?


The defects become prohibitive when trying to execute the suite


The test execution time becomes longer, making it difficult to get all the tests run as often as desired


The test suite continues to grow, making source control difficult to manage


The time it takes to create new tests increases exponentially as new features are added to the code

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Question # 6

You are testing a mission-critical system and want to use exploratory testing for part of the testing. According to the syllabus, what is the correlation between this type of testing and the risk level of the item being tested?


High = recommended, Medium = recommended, Low = highly recommended


High = recommended, Medium = highly recommended, Low = highly recommended


High = highly recommended, Medium = highly recommended, Low = highly recommended


High = not recommended, Medium = recommended, Low = highly recommended

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Question # 7

The following user story has been written:

As a paying hotel guest

I want to see the charges that have been added to my bill

So that I can monitor my expenditure and know In advance how much I will have to pay when I check out

The notes that have been added to It mention that It must be possible for the guest to get a printout of the bill, see It In a variety of currencies and set a flag in the hotel's billing system against any Item that they wish to challenge.

The following acceptance criteria have been defined:

1.The user shall be able to choose from the most commonly-used currencies.

2.The application must be accessible on most mobile platforms as well as on the hotel room's smart TV.

3.The hotel manager must be notified whenever a bill item is flagged by a hotel guest.

4.End-to-end response time for any individual request submitted by a user must not exceed 7 seconds.

Applying the INVEST technique to this user story, including its acceptance criteria, which of the following statements is correct?



The Testable and Negotiable criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied


The Testable and Small criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied


The INVEST criteria have all been satisfied by this epic


The Negotiable and Small criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied

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Question # 8

You are ar teviemng the fdbwng Java furxton that deteimates whether a curb*. rput by the user. * Even or Odd Public da»s Oddorfven {

public state void mair^Strcg [ | args) (

Scarcer read - new ScanrerfSystem inje

System out prim (’Pease enter a rxmber'i;

int Number • reader nextfntO,


System out prrrtln "your input number 'Number ♦ * is even ).


System out prntirfyour input number 'Number ♦ * is odd*);



You are Qj>ded by ’.he following checklist

•All variables must start with a Capital letter

•All output messages must start with a Capita letter

•There must De a comment bne e« pla ning the purpose of the dess

How many checklist items Mve been fuelled7










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Question # 9

The following user story has been developed:

As a customer of Alpha Airways who has booked a flight

I want to access the flight reservation

So that I can update the booking details

Which BDD scenario written in Gherkin format correctly applies to this user story?



Given that the logged-on user is a customer of Alpha Airways

When that user enters their surname correctly

Then they are able to see all flights currently booked so that they can select which flight they want to update


Given that a customer has booked a flight with Alpha Airways

When that customer enters their surname AND enters the flight number for this reservation

Then the booking details for that flight are displayed


Given that a customer has booked a flight with Alpha Airways

When that customer enters the correct surname and flight number for this reservation

Then the booking details for that flight are displayed

ELSE an appropriate error message is presented


Given that a customer has booked a flight with Alpha Airways

When that customer enters their surname and the flight number OR enters their customer ID and the flight number for this reservation Then they are taken to the booking details for that flight so that they can update the booking details

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Question # 10

Which option describes a good practice when applying test automation for a Regression-averse test approach?



Developing and maintaining automated test checklists to efficiently execute a stable set of tests


Applying BDD to produce automated tests before the implementation of a user story


Focusing on the continuous improvement and refactoring of the automated tests


Increasing automated test coverage to allow more time for exploratory testing

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Question # 11

In order to create a shareable testing service from server or network traffic log data, which of the following types of tool would you use?



A service virtualization tool


A hardware emulator


a parallel development tool


An integrated development environment

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Question # 12

The following User story is being developed using the 8DD approach:

As a Purchasing Manager

i want to see a list of all Purchase Orders placed so far this month with their total value

So that I can control the amount of money being spent

Which scenario is BOTH written in correct Gherkin format AND is appropriate for this User Story9



Given that three Purchase Orders with a total value of £21.75 have been placed so far this month AND the Purchasing Manager has navigated to the Purchase Order Reporting page

When the Purchasing Manager clicks the button 'List of Purchase Orders placed this month’

Then the 3 orders and their total value of £21.75 are displayed


Given that three Purchase Orders with a total value of £21.75 have been placed so far this month

When the Purchasing Manager requests the list of Purchase Orders placed this month

Then the appropriate details are displayed


Given that I am a Purchasing Manager AND three Purchase Orders with a total value of £21.75 have been placed so far this month

When I request the list of Purchase Orders placed this month

Then all orders and their total value of £21.75 are displayed


Given that three Purchase Orders with a total value of £21.75 have been placed so far this month

When the Purchasing Manager requests the list of Purchase Orders placed this month

Then the 3 orders and their total value of £21.75 are displayed

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Question # 13

Which option below describes the BEST approach for testing a Medium risk mission- or safety-critical system?



Automated tests recommended. Exploratory tests recommended, manual Black-box tests recommended


Automated tests recommended. Exploratory tests highly recommended, manual Black box tests recommended.


Automated tests optional (neutral). Exploratory tests highly recommended, manual Black-box tests optional (neutral).


Automated tests optional. Exploratory tests highly recommended, manual Black-box tests recommended

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Question # 14

A unit test should be isolated Which option correctly describes the meaning of 'isolated' as a characteristic of a unit test?


Whenever it is run under the same conditions, it should produce the same results.


It should only test the functionality related to it.


it should provide immediate feedback.


It should test only the code for which it was originally written

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Question # 15

Which statement is correct regarding the use of exploratory testing for safety critical systems?



It should be used when black-box tests cannot be automated


It is highly recommended for all risk levels


It is not recommended, as manual black-box tests should be used instead


It is highly recommended for low risk levels only

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Question # 16

Which option below BEST explains the value of a test charter in exploratory testing"5



It provides expected test outcomes against which defects, if found, can be reported.


It provides guidance for the tester at the beginning of a test session


it provides bi-directional traceability to aspects of the epic or story under test


It provides a way to prevent a test session’s timebox from being exceeded

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Question # 17

Whose perspective should be used when a user story is created?


User acceptance tester


End user


Stakeholder paying for the project


Automated user software

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Question # 18

You have received this BDD test

Given that a customer enters the correct PIN When they request to make a withdrawal And they have enough money in their account Then they will receive the money And a receipt

Which of the following is the user story that best fits this BDD test?


As a customer

I want to deposit money into my account

So that I can collect interest


As an ATM

I want to provide services to my customer

So they will be happy


As a customer

I want to withdraw money from my account

So that I can buy a present


As a bank teller

I want customers to use the ATM

So that I don't have to deal with them

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Question # 19

You have been given the following story

As a shopper

I want to scan my membership card

So that I get all the discounts I'm entitled to receive

Which of the following is the correct use of BDD to design test scenarios?


Given that the shopper scans their card

When they checkout

Then they should receive alt the quantity discounts for everything they have purchased


As a store clerk

I want to scan a customer's card

So that their total includes their discounts


Given that I have scanned my card

I expect to receive my discounts

And an itemized list of what I bought


Given that a card is scanned

Then discounts should be applied

When the customer checks out

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Question # 20

Which of the following best describes when the test automation suite should be updated in order to keep up with the development of new/changed software?


At the end of each iteration after the completion of manual testing


At the end of each release during regression testing


At the start of each iteration during planning


During each iteration as the code is received

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Question # 21

An increased proportion of automated test coverage often leads to a greater degree of manual

testing that follows reactive strategies, because:


Many of the tests that can be prepared upfront, will be automated which enables the testers

to spend more time for execution of manual tests


An increase of the proportion of automated test increases test coverage, and the uncovered

areas are to be tested reactively


If the proportion of automated tests increases, manual tests focus on the riskiest areas

which are identified reactively


Reactive strategies consider the current context and status of the project and the system

under test. To be able to adopt to this status most flexible a greater degree of manual

testing is necessary

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Question # 22

The challenges described below are of test automation in agile settings or agile projects. Which is

the correctly described one?


Resource’s availability is a challenge in automating tests in agile settings, as they are

needed to create, maintain, and execute the test suite


Unit testing automation is the most critical test automation needed in agile and covers most

of the testing challenges in agile quality of code and gives good test coverage


Test deployment time is one of the challenges of agile testing, as deploying slow is not

possible in short iterations


Test Execution Time is not critical in agile as there are fewer tests written, and they are

designed as checklists or high-level tests which reduces the time it takes to execute them

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Question # 23

You are testing a new feature in the current iteration. The feature is supposed to take the input of a name and return the number of characters in the name. This information is used by another feature that will determine the size needed on a form. The acceptance criteria state the following

1) a name of up to 30 characters should be accepted

2) standard error processing should be in place to limit user errors

The developers are using TDD and you have asked to see their tests. This is what they gave you

When you run your manual tests you are finding that when you use the following inputs you get the associated results:

From these results what can you conclude about the TDD process?


The developers are not running the tests prior to releasing the code


The tests cannot be passing


The tests are insufficient and need to include more options


The story needs to be enhanced to include the capabilities that are causing errors

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Question # 24

You have been working as a tester in an Agile team You have found that the user stories are being defined by the team but it is still unclear what will be a successful outcome Even after story elaboration you are still unclear as to what a story should do As a result, you're not really sure what to test or to know when you'll be done with testing This problem is becoming worse as completed stories are showcased but the product owner is unhappy with the results

You've looked into the matter further and the comments from the product owner indicate that features are missing from the stories. The story is functioning correctly within the limited definition of the story but the product owner is expecting more functionality, such as error handling that isn't being defined in the story

What technique should you implement that would help to further define the product owner's expectations and alleviate the issues that are arising during the show cases?


TDD by the developers before they begin coding


BDD by the developers when unit tests are being created


ATDD by the team to better define the requirements


A combination of TDD and BDD by the team to improve the pre-build testing

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Question # 25

“As the leader of the marketing department, I want to have a content management system so that

my employees can edit and provide quality content to the readers”

Which of the following requirements engineering techniques would be the MOST effective for

identifying and prioritizing user stories for the given Epic?




Story mapping


Defining Personas


Class Diagrams


Use Cases

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Question # 26

As a tester on an Agile team you have been given the following user story to analyze

As a medical professional

I want to see the availability of operating rooms

So I can schedule surgeries as needed

You have talked with the product owner and she expressed some concern over the term "medical professional" You have looked into this and found that doctors want to schedule their surgeries but the hospital administrator does not want them to have this ability At this point what should you do to try to resolve this issue?


Wait for the team to sort out the requirements and test something else in the meantime


Continue with testing from the perspective of a doctor and trust the procedures to be worked out later regarding who can do what


Work with the BA and the product owner to try to negotiate the differing approaches and come to an agreement


Expand the testing to cover all personas to ensure that everyone can use the application and let the process sort out later when access is allowed to the application

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Question # 27

You have been asked to supply the data file for a data-driven test automation script that will be used to test the following story:

As a customer, I want to be told how many items I need to purchase, so I can receive free shipping.

You have been told the automation will verify whether or not the free shipping message is displayed. Which of the following columns should appear in your data file to support the automated testing of this story?


customer name; # items; price of items; total shipping cost


item ID; quantity purchased; free shipping (y/n)


quantity purchased; free shipping (y/n); total shipping cost


item ID; quantity purchased; free shipping (y/n); item shipping cost; total shipping cost

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Question # 28

You are testing a payment processing application that calls an external service at a bank to process monetary transactions. The bank charges per transaction for the use of their service. You are creating an automation suite that will be used as part of continuous testing. How could service virtualization benefit the project if a virtualized service is created that will act in the same way as the bank application?


The virtualized service will be faster, and that will make the automation suite run faster


The virtualized service will reduce the cost of testing as there will be no transaction fees charged by the bank to use their test service


The virtualized service will be more secure than the bank transaction, reducing the need to security test the automation code


The virtualized service will reduce the need for data management

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Question # 29

From these results, what can you conclude about the TDD process?


The developers are not running the tests prior to releasing the code


The tests cannot be passing


The tests are insufficient and need to include more options


The story needs to be enhanced to include the capabilities that are causing errors

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