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Question # 4

A large online bookseller decides to contract with a vendor to manage Personal Information (PI). What is the

least important factor for the company to consider when selecting the vendor?


The vendor’s reputation


The vendor’s financial health


The vendor’s employee retention rates


The vendor’s employee training program

Full Access
Question # 5

An organization self-certified under Privacy Shield must, upon request by an individual, do what?


Suspend the use of all personal information collected by the organization to fulfill its original purpose.


Provide the identities of third parties with whom the organization shares personal information.


Provide the identities of third and fourth parties that may potentially receive personal information.


Identify all personal information disclosed during a criminal investigation.

Full Access
Question # 6


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:

Declan has just started a job as a nursing assistant in a radiology department at Woodland Hospital. He has also started a program to become a registered nurse.

Before taking this career path, Declan was vaguely familiar with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). He now knows that he must help ensure the security of his patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI). Therefore, he is thinking carefully about privacy issues.

On the morning of his first day, Declan noticed that the newly hired receptionist handed each patient a HIPAA privacy notice. He wondered if it was necessary to give these privacy notices to returning patients, and if the radiology department could reduce paper waste through a system of one-time distribution.

He was also curious about the hospital’s use of a billing company. He Questioned whether the hospital was doing all it could to protect the privacy of its patients if the billing company had details about patients’ care.

On his first day Declan became familiar with all areas of the hospital’s large radiology department. As he was organizing equipment left in the halfway, he overheard a conversation between two hospital administrators. He was surprised to hear that a portablehard drive containing non-encrypted patient information was missing. The administrators expressed relief that the hospital would be able to avoid liability. Declan was surprised, and wondered whether the hospital had plans to properly report what had happened.

Despite Declan’s concern about this issue, he was amazed by the hospital’s effort to integrate Electronic Health Records (EHRs) into the everyday care of patients. He thought about the potential for streamlining care even more if they were accessible to all medical facilities nationwide.

Declan had many positive interactions with patients. At the end of his first day, he spoke to one patient, John, whose father had just been diagnosed with a degenerative muscular disease. John was about to get blood work done, and he feared that the blood work could reveal a genetic predisposition to the disease that could affect his ability to obtain insurance coverage. Declan told John that he did not think that was possible, but the patient was wheeled away before he could explain why. John plans to ask a colleague about this.

In one month, Declan has a paper due for one his classes on a health topic of his choice. By then, he will have had many interactions with patients he can use as examples. He will be pleased to give credit to John by name for inspiring him to think more carefully about genetic testing.

Although Declan’s day ended with many Questions, he was pleased about his new position.

Based on the scenario, what is the most likely way Declan’s supervisor would answer his question about the hospital’s use of a billing company?


By suggesting that Declan look at the hospital’s publicly posted privacy policy


By assuring Declan that third parties are prevented from seeing Private Health Information (PHI)


By pointing out that contracts are in place to help ensure the observance of minimum security standards


By describing how the billing system is integrated into the hospital’s electronic health records (EHR) system

Full Access
Question # 7

A financial services company install "bossware" software on its employees' remote computers to monitor performance. The software logs screenshots, mouse movements, and keystrokes to determine whether an employee is being productive. The software can also enable the computer webcams to record video footage.

Which of the following would best support an employee claim for an intrusion upon seclusion tort?


The webcam is enabled to record video any time the computer is turned on.


The company creates and saves a biometric template for each employee based upon keystroke dynamics.


The software automatically sends a notification to a supervisor any time the employee's mouse is dormant for more than five minutes.


The webcam records video of an employee using a company laptop to perform personal business while at a coffee shop during work hours.

Full Access
Question # 8

In what way does the “Red Flags Rule” under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) relate to the owner of a grocery store who uses a money wire service?


It mandates the use of updated technology for securing credit records


It requires the owner to implement an identity theft warning system


It is not usually enforced in the case of a small financial institution


It does not apply because the owner is not a creditor

Full Access
Question # 9

Chanel Hair Studio is a busy high-end hair salon. In an effort to maximize efficiency of its operations and reduce wait times for appointments, Chanel decides to implement artificial intelligence software that will use client profiles and history to predict which clients will likely be late for their appointments. Information used to create the client profile included appointment history, distance from the salon, and any references to being tardy pulled from the client’s social media accounts. If a client is predicted to be late, their appointment will be cancelled within 5 minutes.

Based on the details, what is the biggest potential privacy concern related to Chanel’s use of this new software?


Scanning a client’s social media accounts to use in a client profile without notice to the client.


Calculating client profile address distance from the salon to determine location from salon to help predict if the client will be late.


Using client profile information for any purpose other than setting up an appointment.


Assessing client tardiness history with the salon for predictive purposes.

Full Access
Question # 10

In March 2012, the FTC released a privacy report that outlined three core principles for companies handling consumer data. Which was NOT one of these principles?


Simplifying consumer choice.


Enhancing security measures.


Practicing Privacy by Design.


Providing greater transparency.

Full Access
Question # 11

In 2012, the White House and the FTC both issued reports advocating a new approach to privacy enforcement that can best be described as what?








Notice and choice.

Full Access
Question # 12

What is an exception to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 ban on interception of wire, oral and electronic communications?


Where one of the parties has given consent


Where state law permits such interception


If an organization intercepts an employee’s purely personal call


Only if all parties have given consent

Full Access
Question # 13

Which act violates the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)?


A K-12 assessment vendor obtains a student’s signed essay about her hometown from her school to use as an exemplar for public release


A university posts a public student directory that includes names, hometowns, e-mail addresses, and majors


A newspaper prints the names, grade levels, and hometowns of students who made the quarterly honor roll


University police provide an arrest report to a student’s hometown police, who suspect him of a similar crime

Full Access
Question # 14

If an organization certified under Privacy Shield wants to transfer personal data to a third party acting as an agent, the organization must ensure the third party does all of the following EXCEPT?


Uses the transferred data for limited purposes


Provides the same level of privacy protection as the organization


Notifies the organization if it can no longer meet its requirements for proper data handling


Enters a contract with the organization that states the third party will process data according to the consent agreement

Full Access
Question # 15


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:

Larry has become increasingly dissatisfied with his telemarketing position at SunriseLynx, and particularly with his supervisor, Evan. Just last week, he overheard Evan mocking the state’s Do Not Call list, as well as the people on it. “If they were really serious about not being bothered,” Evan said, “They’d be on the national DNC list. That’s the only one we’re required to follow. At SunriseLynx, we call until they ask us not to.”

Bizarrely, Evan requires telemarketers to keep records of recipients who ask them to call “another time.” This, to Larry, is a clear indication that they don’t want to be called at all. Evan doesn’t see it that way.

Larry believes that Evan’s arrogance also affects the way he treats employees. The U.S. Constitution protects

American workers, and Larry believes that the rights of those at SunriseLynx are violated regularly. At first Evan seemed friendly, even connecting with employees on social media. However, following Evan’s political posts, it became clear to Larry that employees with similar affiliations were the only ones offered promotions.

Further, Larry occasionally has packages containing personal-use items mailed to work. Several times, these have come to him already opened, even though this name was clearly marked. Larry thinks the opening of personal mail is common at SunriseLynx, and that Fourth Amendment rights are being trampled under Evan’s leadership.

Larry has also been dismayed to overhear discussions about his coworker, Sadie. Telemarketing calls are regularly recorded for quality assurance, and although Sadie is always professional during business, her personal conversations sometimes contain sexual comments. This too is something Larry has heard Evan laughing about. When he mentioned this to a coworker, his concern was met with a shrug. It was the coworker’s belief that employees agreed to be monitored when they signed on. Although personal devices are left alone, phone calls, emails and browsing histories are all subject to surveillance. In fact, Larry knows of one case in which an employee was fired after an undercover investigation by an outside firm turned up evidence of misconduct. Although the employee may have stolen from the company, Evan could have simply contacted the authorities when he first suspected something amiss.

Larry wants to take action, but is uncertain how to proceed.

Based on the way he uses social media, Evan is susceptible to a lawsuit based on?






Intrusion upon seclusion


Publicity given to private life

Full Access
Question # 16

What is the main purpose of the CAN-SPAM Act?


To diminish the use of electronic messages to send sexually explicit materials


To authorize the states to enforce federal privacy laws for electronic marketing


To empower the FTC to create rules for messages containing sexually explicit content


To ensure that organizations respect individual rights when using electronic advertising

Full Access
Question # 17

Although an employer may have a strong incentive or legal obligation to monitor employees’ conduct or behavior, some excessive monitoring may be considered an intrusion on employees’ privacy? Which of the following is the strongest example of excessive monitoring by the employer?


An employer who installs a video monitor in physical locations, such as a warehouse, to ensure employees are performing tasks in a safe manner and environment.


An employer who installs data loss prevention software on all employee computers to limit transmission of confidential company information.


An employer who installs video monitors in physical locations, such as a changing room, to reduce the risk of sexual harassment.


An employer who records all employee phone calls that involve financial transactions with customers completed over the phone.

Full Access
Question # 18


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:

A US-based startup company is selling a new gaming application. One day, the CEO of the company receives an urgent letter from a prominent EU-based retail partner. Triggered by an unresolved complaint lodged by an EU resident, the letter describes an ongoing investigation by a supervisory authority into the retailer’s data handling practices.

The complainant accuses the retailer of improperly disclosing her personal data, without consent, to parties in the United States. Further, the complainant accuses the EU-based retailer of failing to respond to her withdrawal of consent and request for erasure of her personal data. Your organization, the US-based startup company, was never informed of this request for erasure by the EU-based retail partner. The supervisory authority investigating the complaint has threatened the suspension of data flows if the parties involved do not cooperate with the investigation. The letter closes with an urgent request: “Please act immediately by identifying all personal data received from our company.”

This is an important partnership. Company executives know that its biggest fans come from Western Europe; and this retailer is primarily responsible for the startup’s rapid market penetration.

As the Company’s data privacy leader, you are sensitive to the criticality of the relationship with the retailer.

At this stage of the investigation, what should the data privacy leader review first?


Available data flow diagrams


The text of the original complaint


The company’s data privacy policies


Prevailing regulation on this subject

Full Access
Question # 19

What privacy concept grants a consumer the right to view and correct errors on his or her credit report?









Full Access
Question # 20

A company’s employee wellness portal offers an app to track exercise activity via users’ mobile devices. Which of the following design techniques would most effectively inform users of their data privacy rights and privileges when using the app?


Offer information about data collection and uses at key data entry points.


Publish a privacy policy written in clear, concise, and understandable language.


Present a privacy policy to users during the wellness program registration process.


Provide a link to the wellness program privacy policy at the bottom of each screen.

Full Access
Question # 21

In 2014, Google was alleged to have violated the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) through its Apps for Education suite of tools. For what specific practice did students sue the company?


Scanning emails sent to and received by students


Making student education records publicly available


Relying on verbal consent for a disclosure of education records


Disclosing education records without obtaining required consent

Full Access
Question # 22

Under state breach notification laws, which is NOT typically included in the definition of personal information?


State identification number


First and last name


Social Security number


Medical Information

Full Access
Question # 23

When may a financial institution share consumer information with non-affiliated third parties for marketing purposes?


After disclosing information-sharing practices to customers and after giving them an opportunity to opt in.


After disclosing marketing practices to customers and after giving them an opportunity to opt in.


After disclosing information-sharing practices to customers and after giving them an opportunity to opt out.


After disclosing marketing practices to customers and after giving them an opportunity to opt out.

Full Access
Question # 24

What does the Massachusetts Personal Information Security Regulation require as it relates to encryption of personal information?


The encryption of all personal information of Massachusetts residents when all equipment is located in Massachusetts.


The encryption of all personal information stored in Massachusetts-based companies when all equipment is located in Massachusetts.


The encryption of personal information stored in Massachusetts-based companies when stored on portable devices.


The encryption of all personal information of Massachusetts residents when stored on portable devices.

Full Access
Question # 25

What is a legal document approved by a judge that formalizes an agreement between a governmental agency and an adverse party called?


A consent decree


Stare decisis decree


A judgment rider


Common law judgment

Full Access
Question # 26


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Miraculous Healthcare is a large medical practice with multiple locations in California and Nevada. Miraculous normally treats patients in person, but has recently decided to start offering telehealth appointments, where patients can have virtual appointments with on-site doctors via a phone app.

For this new initiative, Miraculous is considering a product built by MedApps, a company that makes quality telehealth apps for healthcare practices and licenses them to be usedwith the practices’ branding. MedApps provides technical support for the app, which it hosts in the cloud. MedApps also offers an optional benchmarking service for providers who wish to compare their practice to others using the service.

Riya is the Privacy Officer at Miraculous, responsible for the practice's compliance with HIPAA and other applicable laws, and she works with the Miraculous procurement team to get vendor agreements in place. She occasionally assists procurement in vetting vendors and inquiring about their own compliance practices, as well as negotiating the terms of vendor agreements. Riya is currently reviewing the suitability of the MedApps app from a privacy perspective.

Riya has also been asked by the Miraculous Healthcare business operations team to review the MedApps’ optional benchmarking service. Of particular concern is the requirement that Miraculous Healthcare upload information about the appointments to a portal hosted by MedApps.

What HIPAA compliance issue would Miraculous have to consider before using the telehealth app?


HIPAA does not permit healthcare providers to use cloud hosting services.


HIPAA does not permit in-person appointment data to be hosted in the cloud.


HIPAA would require Miraculous and MedApps to enter into a Business Associate Agreement.


HIPAA would require Miraculous to obtain patient consent before in-person appointment data can be shared with third parties.

Full Access
Question # 27

John, a California resident, receives notification that a major corporation with $500 million in annual revenue has experienced a data breach. John’s personal information in their possession has been stolen, including his full name and social security numb. John also learns that the corporation did not have reasonable cybersecurity measures in place to safeguard his personal information.

Which of the following answers most accurately reflects John’s ability to pursue a legal claim against the corporation under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)?


John has no right to sue the corporation because the CCPA does not address any data breach rights.


John cannot sue the corporation for the data breach because only the state’s Attoney General has authority to file suit under the CCPA.


John can sue the corporation for the data breach but only to recover monetary damages he actually suffered as a result of the data breach.


John can sue the corporation for the data breach to recover monetary damages suffered as a result of the data breach, and in some circumstances seek statutory damages irrespective of whether he suffered any financial harm.

Full Access
Question # 28

Which entities must comply with the Telemarketing Sales Rule?


For-profit organizations and for-profit telefunders regarding charitable solicitations


Nonprofit organizations calling on their own behalf


For-profit organizations calling businesses when a binding contract exists between them


For-profit and not-for-profit organizations when selling additional services to establish customers

Full Access
Question # 29


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION

Noah is trying to get a new job involving the management of money. He has a poor personal credit rating, but he has made better financial decisions in the past two years.

One potential employer, Arnie’s Emporium, recently called to tell Noah he did not get a position. As part of the application process, Noah signed a consent form allowing the employer to request his credit report from a consumer reporting agency (CRA). Noah thinks that the report hurt his chances, but believes that he may not ever know whether it was his credit that cost him the job. However, Noah is somewhat relieved that he was not offered this particular position. He noticed that the store where he interviewed was extremely disorganized. He imagines that his credit report could still

be sitting in the office, unsecured.

Two days ago, Noah got another interview for a position at Sam’s Market. The interviewer told Noah that his credit report would be a factor in the hiring decision. Noah was surprised because he had not seen anything on paper about this when he applied.

Regardless, the effect of Noah’s credit on his employability troubles him, especially since he has tried so hard to improve it. Noah made his worst financial decisions fifteen years ago, and they led to bankruptcy. These were decisions he made as a young man, and most of his debt at the time consisted of student loans, credit card debt, and a few unpaid bills – all of which Noah is still working to pay off. He often laments that decisions he made fifteen years ago are still affecting him today.

In addition, Noah feels that an experience investing with a large bank may have contributed to his financial troubles. In 2007, in an effort to earn money to help pay off his debt, Noah talked to a customer service representative at a large investment company who urged him to purchase stocks. Without understanding the risks, Noah agreed. Unfortunately, Noah lost a great deal of money.

After losing the money, Noah was a customer of another financial institution that suffered a large security breach. Noah was one of millions of customers whose personal informationwas compromised. He wonders if he may have been a victim of identity theft and whether this may have negatively affected his credit.

Noah hopes that he will soon be able to put these challenges behind him, build excellent credit, and find the perfect job.

Based on the scenario, which legislation should ease Noah’s worry about his credit report as a result of applying at Arnie’s Emporium?


The Privacy Rule under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA).


The Safeguards Rule under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA).


The Disposal Rule under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA).


The Red Flags Rule under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA).

Full Access
Question # 30


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION

Felicia has spent much of her adult life overseas, and has just recently returned to the U.S. to help her friend Celeste open a jewelry store in California. Felicia, despite being excited at the prospect, has a number of security concerns, and has only grudgingly accepted the need to hire other employees. In order to guard against the loss of valuable merchandise, Felicia wants to carefully screen applicants. With their permission, Felicia would like to run credit checks, administer polygraph tests, and scrutinize videos of interviews. She intends to read applicants’ postings on social media, ask QUESTION NO:s about drug addiction, and solicit character references. Felicia believes that if potential employees are serious about becoming part of a dynamic new business, they will readily agree to these requirements.

Felicia is also in favor of strict employee oversight. In addition to protecting the inventory, she wants to prevent mistakes during transactions, which will require video monitoring. She also wants to regularly check the company vehicle’s GPS for locations visited by employees. She also believes that employees who use their own devices for work-related purposes should agree to a certain amount of supervision.

Given her high standards, Felicia is skeptical about the proposed location of the store. She has been told that many types of background checks are not allowed under California law. Her friend Celeste thinks these worries are unfounded, as long as applicants verbally agree to the checks and are offered access to the results. Nor does Celeste share Felicia’s concern about state breach notification laws, which, she claims, would be costly to implement even on a minor scale. Celeste believes that

even if the business grows a customer database of a few thousand, it’s unlikely that a state agency would hassle an honest business if an accidental security incident were to occur.

In any case, Celeste feels that all they need is common sense – like remembering to tear up sensitive documents before throwing them in the recycling bin. Felicia hopes that she’s right, and that all of her concerns will be put to rest next month when their new business consultant (who is also a privacy professional) arrives from North Carolina.

Which law will be most relevant to Felicia’s plan to ask applicants about drug addiction?


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).


The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Full Access
Question # 31

Which statement is FALSE regarding the provisions of the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 (EPPA)?


The EPPA requires that employers post essential information about the Act in a conspicuous location.


The EPPA includes an exception that allows polygraph tests in professions in which employee honesty is necessary for public safety.


Employers are prohibited from administering psychological testing based on personality traits such as honesty, preferences or habits.


Employers involved in the manufacture of controlled substances may terminate employees based on polygraph results if other evidence exists.

Full Access
Question # 32

Which of the following federal agencies does NOT enforce the Disposal Rule under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA)?


The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


The Department of Health and Human Services


The Federal Trade Commission

Full Access
Question # 33

Who has rulemaking authority for the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA)?


State Attorneys General


The Federal Trade Commission


The Department of Commerce


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Full Access
Question # 34

The rules for “e-discovery” mainly prevent which of the following?


A conflict between business practice and technological safeguards


The loss of information due to poor data retention practices


The practice of employees using personal devices for work


A breach of an organization’s data retention program

Full Access
Question # 35

What important action should a health care provider take if the she wants to qualify for funds under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH)?


Make electronic health records (EHRs) part of regular care


Bill the majority of patients electronically for their health care


Send health information and appointment reminders to patients electronically


Keep electronic updates about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Full Access
Question # 36

Which of the following conditions would NOT be sufficient to excuse an entity from providing breach notification under state law?


If the data involved was encrypted.


If the data involved was accessed but not exported.


If the entity was subject to the GLBA Safeguards Rule.


If the entity followed internal notification procedures compatible with state law.

Full Access
Question # 37


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION

Matt went into his son’s bedroom one evening and found him stretched out on his bed typing on his laptop. “Doing your homework?” Matt asked hopefully.

“No,” the boy said. “I’m filling out a survey.”

Matt looked over his son’s shoulder at his computer screen. “What kind of survey?” “It’s asking QUESTION NO:s about my opinions.”

“Let me see,” Matt said, and began reading the list of QUESTION NO:s that his son had already answered. “It’s asking your opinions about the government and citizenship. That’s a little odd. You’re only ten.”

Matt wondered how the web link to the survey had ended up in his son’s email inbox. Thinking the message might have been sent to his son by mistake he opened it and read it. It had come from an entity called the Leadership Project, and the content and the graphics indicated that it was intended for children. As Matt read further he learned that kids whotook the survey were automatically registered in a contest to win the first book in a series about famous leaders.

To Matt, this clearly seemed like a marketing ploy to solicit goods and services to children. He asked his son if he had been prompted to give information about himself in order to take the survey. His son told him he had been asked to give his name, address, telephone number, and date of birth, and to answer QUESTION NO:s about his favorite games and toys.

Matt was concerned. He doubted if it was legal for the marketer to collect information from his son in the way that it was. Then he noticed several other commercial emails from marketers advertising products for children in his son’s inbox, and he decided it was time to report the incident to the proper authorities.

Depending on where Matt lives, the marketer could be prosecuted for violating which of the following?


Investigative Consumer Reporting Agencies Act.


Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices laws.


Consumer Bill of Rights.


Red Flag Rules.

Full Access
Question # 38

Which of the following does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibit an employer from asking a job applicant?


Questions about age


Questions about a disability


Questions about a national origin


Questions about intended pregnancy

Full Access
Question # 39

Which of these organizations would be required to provide its customers with an annual privacy notice?


The Four Winds Tribal College.


The Golden Gavel Auction House.


The King County Savings and Loan.


The Breezy City Housing Commission.

Full Access
Question # 40

SuperMart is a large Nevada-based business that has recently determined it sells what constitutes “covered information” under Nevada’s privacy law, Senate Bill 260. Which of the following privacy compliance steps would best help SuperMart comply with the law?


Providing a mechanism for consumers to opt out of sales.


Implementing internal protocols for handling access and deletion requests.


Preparing a notice of financial incentive for any loyalty programs offered to its customers.


Reviewing its vendor contracts to ensure that the vendors are subject to service provider restrictions.

Full Access
Question # 41

Which of the following state laws has an entity exemption for organizations subject to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)?


Nevada Privacy Law.


California Privacy Rights Act.


California Consumer Privacy Act.


Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act

Full Access
Question # 42


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION

When there was a data breach involving customer personal and financial information at a large retail store, the company’s directors were shocked. However, Roberta, a privacy analyst at the company and a victim of identity theft herself, was not. Prior to the breach, she had been working on a privacy program report for the executives. How the company shared and handled data across its organization was a major concern. There were neither adequate rules about access to customer information nor

procedures for purging and destroying outdated data. In her research, Roberta had discovered that even low- level employees had access to all of the company’s customer data, including financial records, and that the company still had in its possession obsolete customer data going back to the 1980s.

Her report recommended three main reforms. First, permit access on an as-needs-to-know basis. This would mean restricting employees’ access to customer information to data that was relevant to the work performed. Second, create a highly secure database for storing customers’ financial information (e.g., credit card and bank account numbers) separate from less sensitive information. Third, identify outdated customer information and then develop a process for securely disposing of it.

When the breach occurred, the company’s executives called Roberta to a meeting where she presented the recommendations in her report. She explained that the company having a national customer base meant it would have to ensure that it complied with all relevant state breach notification laws. Thanks to Roberta’s guidance, the company was able to notify customers quickly and within the specific timeframes set by state breach notification laws.

Soon after, the executives approved the changes to the privacy program that Roberta recommended in her report. The privacy program is far more effective now because of these changes and, also, because privacy and security are now considered the responsibility of every employee.

What could the company have done differently prior to the breach to reduce their risk?


Implemented a comprehensive policy for accessing customer information.


Honored the promise of its privacy policy to acquire information by using an opt-in method.


Looked for any persistent threats to security that could compromise the company’s network.


Communicated requests for changes to users’ preferences across the organization and with third parties.

Full Access
Question # 43

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), what must a person who is denied employment based upon his credit history receive?


A prompt notification from the employer.


An opportunity to reapply with the employer.


Information from several consumer reporting agencies (CRAs).


A list of rights from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Full Access
Question # 44


Please use the following to answer the next question:

Jane is a U.S. citizen and a senior software engineer at California-based Jones Labs, a major software supplier to the U.S. Department of Defense and other U.S. federal agencies. Jane's manager, Patrick, is a French citizen who has been living in California for over a decade. Patrick has recently begun to suspect that Jane is an insider secretly transmitting trade secrets to foreign intelligence. Unbeknownst to Patrick, the FBI has already received a hint from anonymous whistleblower, and jointly with the National Security Agency is investigating Jane's possible implication in a sophisticated foreign espionage campaign.

Ever since the pandemic, Jane has been working from home. To complete her daily tasks she uses her corporate laptop, which after each login conspicuously provides notice that the equipment belongs to Jones Labs and may be monitored according to the enacted privacy policy and employment handbook. Jane also has a corporate mobile phone that she uses strictly for business, the terms of which are defined in her employment contract and elaborated upon in her employee handbook. Both the privacy policy and the employee handbook are revised annually by a reputable California law firm specializing in privacy law. Jane also has a personal iPhone that she uses for private purposes only.

Jones Labs has its primary data center in San Francisco, which is managed internally by Jones Labs engineers. The secondary data center, managed by Amazon AWS, is physically located in the UK for disaster recovery purposes. Jones Labs' mobile devices backup is managed by a mid-sized mobile defense company located in Denver, which physically stores the data in Canada to reduce costs. Jones Labs MS Office documents are securely stored in a Microsoft Office 365 data center based in Ireland. Manufacturing data of Jones Labs is stored in Taiwan and managed by a local supplier that has no presence in the U.S.

Before inspecting any GPS geolocation data from Jane's corporate mobile phone, Patrick should first do what?


Obtain prior consent from Jane pursuant to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act


Revise emerging workplace privacy best practices with a reputable advocacy organization.


Obtain a subpoena from law enforcement, or a court order, directing Jones Labs to collect the GPS geolocation data.


Ensure that such activity is permitted under Jane's employment contract or the company's employee privacy policy.

Full Access
Question # 45

Which of the following laws is NOT involved in the regulation of employee background checks?


The Civil Rights Act.


The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA).


The U.S. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).


The California Investigative Consumer Reporting Agencies Act (ICRAA).

Full Access
Question # 46

The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 requires which activity?


Delivery of an annual notice detailing how subscriber information is to be used


Destruction of personal information a maximum of six months after it is no longer needed


Notice to subscribers of any investigation involving unauthorized reception of cable services


Obtaining subscriber consent for disseminating any personal information necessary to render cable services

Full Access
Question # 47


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION

Noah is trying to get a new job involving the management of money. He has a poor personal credit rating, but he has made better financial decisions in the past two years.

One potential employer, Arnie’s Emporium, recently called to tell Noah he did not get a position. As part of the application process, Noah signed a consent form allowing the employer to request his credit report from a consumer reporting agency (CRA). Noah thinks that the report hurt his chances, but believes that he may not ever know whether it was his credit that cost him the job. However, Noah is somewhat relieved that he was not offered this particular position. He noticed that the store where he interviewed was extremely disorganized. He imagines that his credit report could still

be sitting in the office, unsecured.

Two days ago, Noah got another interview for a position at Sam’s Market. The interviewer told Noah that his credit report would be a factor in the hiring decision. Noah was surprised because he had not seen anything on paper about this when he applied.

Regardless, the effect of Noah’s credit on his employability troubles him, especially since he has tried so hard to improve it. Noah made his worst financial decisions fifteen years ago, and they led to bankruptcy. These were decisions he made as a young man, and most of his debt at the time consisted of student loans, credit card debt, and a few unpaid bills – all of which Noah is still working to pay off. He often laments that decisions he made fifteen years ago are still affecting him today.

In addition, Noah feels that an experience investing with a large bank may have contributed to his financial troubles. In 2007, in an effort to earn money to help pay off his debt, Noah talked to a customer service representative at a large investment company who urged him to purchase stocks. Without understanding the risks, Noah agreed. Unfortunately, Noah lost a great deal of money.

After losing the money, Noah was a customer of another financial institution that suffered a large security breach. Noah was one of millions of customers whose personal information was compromised. He wonders if he may have been a victim of identity theft and whether this may have negatively affected his credit.

Noah hopes that he will soon be able to put these challenges behind him, build excellent credit, and find the perfect job.

Consumers today are most likely protected from situations like the one Noah had buying stock because of which federal action or legislation?


The rules under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.


The creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


Federal Trade Commission investigations into “unfair and deceptive” acts or practices.


Investigations of “abusive” acts and practices under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

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Question # 48

Which of the following is NOT one of three broad categories of products offered by data brokers, as identified by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)?


Research (such as information for understanding consumer trends).


Risk mitigation (such as information that may reduce the risk of fraud).


Location of individuals (such as identifying an individual from partial information).


Marketing (such as appending data to customer information that a marketing company already has).

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Question # 49

Why was the Privacy Protection Act of 1980 drafted?


To respond to police searches of newspaper facilities


To assist prosecutors in civil litigation against newspaper companies


To assist in the prosecution of white-collar crimes


To protect individuals from personal privacy invasion by the police

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Question # 50

Which federal act does NOT contain provisions for preempting stricter state laws?




The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)


The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA)


The Telemarketing Consumer Protection and Fraud Prevention Act

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