What needs to be installed in the battery room when using Lithium-ion batteries?
The expected time to Recover/Repair from a system from a failure is defined as.
Which Class of Fire involves combustible metals or combustible metal alloys such as magnesium, sodium and potassium?
IP protection grades consist of two numbers.
Which levels of protection do they describe and what is the best protection?
Which one of the following is a factor that can affect Availability and Reliability?
Do I need to check the local standards if I already comply to international standards?
Does unplanned downtime of a data centre have an impact on the business results?
Does shielded twisted pair network cabling provide protection against EMF from power cables?
What should be a consideration when having casters (rollers/wheels) or feet under the rack?
What is the current recommended temperature for ICT equipment as described in the ASHREA TC 9.9 guideline?
When having two non-synchronized power sources, the ATS / STS need to be of the type: