On a cluster running CDH 5.0 or above, you use the hadoop fs –put command to write a 300MB file into a previously empty directory using an HDFS block size of 64 MB. Just after this command has finished writing 200 MB of this file, what would another use see when they look in directory?
You are running a Hadoop cluster with a NameNode on host mynamenode. What are two ways to determine available HDFS space in your cluster?
On a cluster running MapReduce v2 (MRv2) on YARN, a MapReduce job is given a directory of 10 plain text files as its input directory. Each file is made up of 3 HDFS blocks. How many Mappers will run?
Your cluster’s mapred-start.xml includes the following parameters
And any cluster’s yarn-site.xml includes the following parameters
What is the maximum amount of virtual memory allocated for each map task before YARN will kill its Container?