You feel that your team has become lazy when applying good software testing techniques You have given each of them a challenge to take a different business rule and build a full decision table and then collapse that table You will then assess the results For this assessment, whatcompetencies are you validating?
You have been seeing a high number of rejections of defect reports The developers are complaining that they do not understand what the problem is. even though they have been supplied with screenshots. You have checked a number of the 'problem' defect reports and have not found any information that is missing. The descriptions are very detailed and include all the necessary information in a long descriptive paragraph.
What change should you recommend that should help with the developer s problems?
You are managing the test team that is testing a new mobile application that provides a "step-by-step' hiking guide Your risk assessment resulted in the following table:
Your team has clone the depth and breadth testing for the GPS accuracy and usability features but when the product was given to beta testers there were some issues Despite the users reporting the app was easy to use at least one user walked off the edge of a cliffand another one ended up in a river.Your team has confirmed that the functionality is working correctly. and the GPS information is accurate.
What other area of testing should you now prioritize?
You are managing the testing for a bank card project.The testing was scheduled to take 10 weeks but by the time the software was developed only six weeks were available for testing Knowing there were a lotof risks with the software your team started testing activities early by overseeing code reviews, defining acceptance criteria by working with the users and by doing all lest creation prior to the code arriving
You are now three days away from the go-live date Your testing has mitigated all the high and medium risk items leaving only the low-risk elements unmitigated by testing You estimate it will take two weeks to manually test the low-risk elements At this point what should you do?
You are looking to Improve the efficiency of testing. The developers have been claiming that the majority of defect reports they receive are invalid either due to the test environment or becausethe tester did not follow the right steps In a standard defect management process where should you look for more information about these invalid defects?
Which ofthe following Is the common setof information to be produced in a test estimate''
Your manager has decided thatyour team of manual testers should all become test automation engineers Your team is much stronger in analysis than In technical testing so youare concerned about their abilityto adapt.What tool capabilities could help with this transition?
Which of the following is the proper order for the stages of a toollifecycle?
Your team has been given the following test objective Ensure that the users are happier with this version thanthey were with the last version?
What is wrong with the way this is defined?
Your team has been assigned to test a loyalty card programfor a supermarket chain.Because this is a highly competitive market significant investment has been made to determine the shortcomings of the products offered by competitors While the feature sets are mostly the same, there is a wide variance In usability and performance and the users perceptions of these quality characteristics
Given only this information what test approach would be most appropriate?
You are working on a project that is having problems with regressions. Witheach release of software given to the test team. 50% of the defects found are actually regressions.To combat this you have decided to implement test automation.You have given your automation team the following goal
'Implement lest automation to automate 90% of the manual regression tests before the productrelease date.’’
Which of the following is likely an issue with this goal being defined as "SMART?