According to the Wolfsberg Group, the FI should take the following steps regarding the opening of the account for the senior government official:
Reasonably establish if the source of wealth and funds of the official is legitimate. This is to ensure that the FI is not facilitating the laundering of proceeds of corruption, bribery, or other illicit activities by the official, who is considered a politically exposed person (PEP) and poses a higher risk of financial crime. The FI should obtain information and documentation on the origin and ownership of the funds, the official’s income and assets, and the purpose and expected activity of the account12.
Perform due diligence procedures on the managing intermediary. This is to verify the identity, reputation, and regulatory status of the intermediary, who acts as a third party on behalf of the official. The FI should also assess the intermediary’s own AML/CFT policies and controls, and the nature and extent of the relationship between the intermediary and the official13.
Determine whether the intermediary representative is acting on the officer’s behalf. This is to establish the beneficial ownership and control of the account, and to avoid any potential conflicts of interest or undue influence by the intermediary. The FI should obtain a written confirmation from the intermediary that they are authorized to act on behalf of the official, and that they will disclose any changes in the beneficial ownership or control of the account13.
1, Wolfsberg Group, Guidance on Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), 2023
2, Wolfsberg Group, FAQs on Source of Wealth (SoW) & Source of Funds (SoF), 2023
3, Wolfsberg Group, FAQs on Intermediaries, 2023