Which loss event type is the failure to timely deliver collateral classified as under the Basel II framework?
When pricing credit risk for an exposure, which of the following is a better measure than the others:
Which of the following best describes the concept of marginalVaR of an asset in a portfolio:
Company A issues bonds with a face value of$100m, sold at $98. Bank B holds $10m in face of these bonds acquired at a price of $70. Company A then defaults, and the recovery rate is expected to be 30%. What is Bank B's loss?
Which of the following is the best description of the spread premium puzzle:
The sensitivity (delta) of a portfolio to a single point move in the value of the S&P500 is $100. If the current level of the S&P500 is 2000, and has a one day volatility of 1%, what is the value-at-risk for this portfolio at the 99% confidence and a horizon of 10 days? What is this method of calculating VaR called?
Which of the following statements are true:
I. The sum of unexpected losses for individual loans in a portfolio is equal to the total unexpected loss for the portfolio.
II. The sum of unexpected losses for individual loans in a portfolio is less than the total unexpected loss for the portfolio.
III. The sum of unexpected losses forindividual loans in a portfolio is greater than the total unexpected loss for the portfolio.
IV. The unexpected loss for the portfolio is driven by the unexpected losses of the individual loans in the portfolio and the default correlation between these loans.
For a back office function processing 15,000 transactions a day with an error rate of 10 basis points, what is the annual expected loss frequency (assume 250 days in a year)
All else remaining the same, an increase in the joint probability of default between two obligors causes the default correlation between the two to:
Which of the following statements is true:
I. Expected credit losses are charged to the unit's P&L while unexpected losses hit risk capital reserves.
II. Credit portfolio loss distributions are symmetrical
III. For a bank holding $10m in face of a defaulted debt that it acquired for $2m, the bank's legal claim in the bankruptcy court will be $10m.
IV. Thelegal claim in bankruptcy court for an over the counter derivatives contract will be the notional value of the contract.
Which of the following is not a parameter to be determined by the risk manager that affects the level of economic credit capital:
Which of the following statements is NOT true in relation to the recent financial crisis of 2007-08?
For a given notional amount, which of the following carries the greatest counterparty exposure (assuming the same counterparty credit rating for each):
An investor enters into a 5-year total return swap with Bank A, with the investor paying a fixed rate of 6% annually on a notional value of $100m to the bank and receiving thereturns of the S&P500 index with an identical notional value. The swap is reset monthly, ie the payments are exchanged monthly. On Jan 1 of the fourth year, after settling the last month's payments, the bank enters bankruptcy. What is the legal claim thatthe hedge fund has against the bank in the bankruptcy court?
Which of the following need to be assumed to convert a transition probability matrix for a given time period to the transition probability matrix for another length of time:
I. Time invariance
II. Markov property
III. Normal distribution
IV. Zero skewness
Pick underlying risk factors for a position in an equity index option:
I. Spot value for the index
II. Risk free interest rate
III. Volatility of the underlying
IV. Strike price for the option
If EV be the expected value of a firm's assets in a year, and DP be the 'default point' per the KMV approach to credit risk, and σ be the standard deviation of future asset returns, then the distance-to-default is given by:
Which of the following describes rating transition matrices published by credit rating firms:
There are two bonds in a portfolio, each with a market value of $50m. The probability of default of the two bonds are 0.03 and 0.08 respectively, over a one year horizon. If the probability of the two bonds defaulting simultaneously is 1.4%, what is the default correlation between the two?
Which of the following statements are correct?
I. A reliance upon conditional probabilities and a-priori views of probabilities is called the 'frequentist' view
II. Knightian uncertainty refers to thingsthat might happen but for which probabilities cannot be evaluated
III. Risk mitigation and risk elimination are approaches to reacting to identified risks
IV. Confidence accounting is a reference to the accounting frauds that were seen in the past decadeas a reflection of failed governance processes
Which of the following is true in relation to the application of Extreme Value Theory when applied to operational risk measurement?
I. EVT focuses on extreme losses that are generally not covered by standard distribution assumptions
II. EVT considers the distribution of losses in the tails
III. The Peaks-over-thresholds (POT) and the generalized Pareto distributions are used to model extreme value distributions
IV. EVT is concerned with average losses beyond a given level of confidence
The 99% 10-day VaR for a bank is $200mm. The average VaR for the past 60 days is $250mm, and the bank specific regulatory multiplier is 3. What is the bank's basic VaR based market risk capital charge?
What percentage of average annual gross income is to be held as capital for operational risk under the basic indicator approach specified under Basel II?
Under the contingent claims approach to credit risk, risk increases when:
I. Volatility of the firm's assets increases
II. Risk free rate increases
III. Maturity of the debt increases
Which of the following techniques is used to generate multivariate normal random numbers that are correlated?
A bank prices retail credit loans based on median default rates. Over the long run, it can expect:
A risk analyst peforming PCA wishes to explain80% of the variance. The first orthogonal factor has a volatility of 100, and the second 40, and the third 30. Assume there are no other factors. Which of the factors will be included in the final analysis?
There are two bonds in a portfolio, each with a marketvalue of $50m. The probability of default of the two bonds over a one year horizon are 0.03 and 0.08 respectively. If the default correlation is zero, what is the one year expected loss on this portfolio?
Which of the following is the most important problem to solve for fitting a severity distribution for operational risk capital:
Which of the following are true:
I. The total of the component VaRs for all components of a portfolio equals the portfolio VaR.
II. The total of the incremental VaRs for each position in a portfolio equals the portfolio VaR.
III. Marginal VaR and incremental VaR are identical for a $1 change in the portfolio.
IV. The VaR for individual components of a portfolio is sub-additive, ie the portfolio VaR is less than (or in extreme cases equal to) the sum of the individual VaRs.
V. The component VaR for individual components of a portfolio is sub-additive, ie the portfolio VaR is less than the sum of the individual component VaRs.
Which of the following statements are true:
I. Heavy tailed parametricdistributions are a good choice for severity modeling in operational risk.
II. Heavy tailed body-tail distributions are a good choice for severity modeling in operational risk.
III. Log-likelihood is a means to estimate parameters for a distribution.
IV. Body-tail distributions allow modeling small losses differently from large ones.