In a faceted search page, facets can be displayed as different UI types. Which two facet item types are supported in the faceted search region?
Choose the three Form types that you can create using the Create Page wizard.
Which two statements are true about creating and managing an APEX Workspace?
Which three of the following options are TRUE about a page in an APEX application?
When you click a Customer Name in the Customers report, the Customer Details form dialog
page is displayed. What are the events that occur in this scenario?
Choose the two statements that are TRUE about an Interactive Report. As a developer:
Choose the two options provided in a Column Heading menu of an Interactive Report.
You created a custom theme for an application. Examine these requirements: 1. The theme must be utilized by another application in the same workspace. 2. The master theme may still require changes. Which solution guarantees that any changes to the master theme are reflected in the copied theme?
To create a Dynamic Action, you need to specify which three of the following options?
Select the two places from where you can access the Shared Components Page?
Choose the two statements that are TRUE about an Interactive Report. As a developer:
The APEX engine uses which component as a key for tracking each user's session state?
Consider a page in an APEX app where the Departments names with location is displayed on the
left. Selecting a Department on the left will render details of the employees corresponding to that
department on the right. Which kind of report/form is this?
Which statement is true about Unified Task List in the Approvals component?
Which two statements are true about creating and customizing Smart Filters pages?
Which three of the following statements are TRUE about saved Public Interactive Grids?
When a button is pressed, an overlay window is positioned within the viewport. What kind ofpage mode is it?
Choose the two statements that are TRUE about the Universal Theme in APEX.
Which two of the following capabilities are TRUE for both Interactive Report and Interactive Grid?